General examination matters

Registration for examinations: Directions

The following is prescribed procedure for registration to examinations:

  • Examinations must be registered with the examinations office via the examinations administration system 14 days prior to the date of examination. Examinations can be deregistered in the examinations administration system without reasons being given up to seven days prior to the date of examination. After this deadline deregistration or postponement to a later date is no longer possible.

  • For oral examinations a binding date of examination has to be booked prior to registration with the examinations office via Stud.IP. In the booking process enter your matriculation number and the examination subject in the field marked "Grund". Please be aware that booking in Stud.IP establishes ONLY the date of examination. The actual allocation of an examination time takes place by telephone on the day of examination (see instructions further below regarding examination procedure).

Please note the new regulation for the case of illness:

  • According to § 22 para. 2 of the General Examination Regulations (APO), a medical certificate must be submitted in case of illness. The examination board decides on the examination eligibility. As of SS 2022, only this form is to be used for proof of illness. Certificates of incapacity to work etc. will no longer be accepted for examinations from the start of the SS 2022 examination period (01.05.2022).

  • Important legal information from the examination office can be found here.

Instructions: Examination procedure

The duration of the written examinations on lectures offered by the group is 60 minutes per subject. The distribution of examinees across the lecture halls is announced via Stud.IP a few days before the examination. Compendia of written examinations with past examination problems and standard solutions are available (while stocks last) in the secretariate during normal business hours. Currently, a non-programmable pocket calculator, a bi-lingual and printed dictionary without additional entries, as well as the original of a two-page (one DIN A4 sheet) summary of material, are permitted to be used as aids in the written examination. The summary has to be handwritten in German by the student and will be submitted with the written examination. Specific arrangements to do with the summary will be announced timely prior to the examination via e-mail.

Oral examinations are conducted by Professor Schwindt in the presence of a minuting secretary and, as a rule, take about 30 or 60 minutes (building D2, with the specific room to be announced). The examination appointment times are allocated by telephone +49 5323 72 7615 between 8 and 8.30 a.m. on the day of examination. Please organize your arrival in such a way that you are able to report for examination from 9 a.m. Have your student identity card with verification of enrolment for the current semester with you. In accordance with the form of oral examination, in particular questions pertaining to basic principles, concepts and contexts, hypotheses and interpretation of models, as well as fundamentals of planning methods constitute the core of the examination interview. Paper and writing untensils are available for the making of drawings. Over and above these no further aids are authorized for the examination.