DATEV Partnership for Education: Accounting in Practice

As part of the DATEV partnership for education, we offer our students the opportunity to work through practically relevant accounting issues in challenging case studies and implement them with the support of software while they are still studying. In doing so, we pursue the approach that stringently sequenced DATEV content systematically accompanies and complements our course offers from the basics of financial accounting to the preparation of annual financial statements, balance sheet analysis and auditing.
All DATEV courses are voluntary additional offers for interested students. The "DATEV Practice Day" is a kind of taster course and an ideal introduction to computer accounting. More in-depth "university sample cases" lasting several days can even be taken as an economics seminar if the prerequisites are met.
For questions and suggestions concerning the DATEV partnership for education in the Department of Management and Corporate Accounting, please contact Prof. Dr. Inge Wulf, the responsible employee Mr. Alexander Senger, M.Sc. and Mr. Tim Jan Friedrich, M.Sc.

What is the DATEV Partnership for Education?
The Nuremberg-based cooperative DATEV eG was founded in 1966 and derives its name from the German word for data processing "Datenverarbeitung". 40,000 members and around 8,000 employees stand behind DATEV, which sees itself as a software house, IT and training service provider, especially for tax consultants, auditors and lawyers as well as their clients. Specialized software solutions in the areas of accounting, human resource management, business consulting, tax calculation and organization of companies and law firms are part of DATEV's range of services.
The DATEV Partnership for Education serves to promote academically trained junior staff, for example in the profession of tax advisors and related professions with accounting and tax relevance. In the course of this, education partners receive access to various software solutions, working materials and corresponding support in order to be able to offer students individually and practically designed courses, for example in the field of accounting. These are explicitly not of advertising nature, but rather a basic illustration of the possible applications, requirements, but also the limits of a subject-specific software application.
Currently, about 300 universities nationwide are members of the DATEV Partnership for Education. Some of the universities are exemplary for their particular innovative spirit and active cooperation when it comes to testing new approaches to integrating DATEV content. In this context, we are pleased to have received the "Best Practice Education" award. We have been offering DATEV courses on an ongoing basis since the winter semester 2008/09 - in view of the numerous positive feedback from our students, this is a worthwhile commitment for students and teachers alike.
In the following, you will find a brief overview of the contents of our regularly offered DATEV events. For information on the frequency of events and the respective modalities, please refer to the announcements on our department homepage under "News".
DATEV Practice Day
Conceived as a kind of "DATEV taster course", this one-day event offers small groups of interested students a compact introduction to computer accounting with the DATEV pro software environment. In particular, students attending the lecture and tutorial "Accounting and Annual Financial Statements" will gain a comprehensive insight into the theoretical and practical software-supported implementation of financial accounting.
Apart from simple basic knowledge of financial accounting, no special prior knowledge is required for the DATEV Practice Day; the block-by-block design is rather intended to serve the holistic understanding of financial accounting. Creating master data, learning an efficient booking method and the concrete booking of various business transactions with a focus on input and sales tax, cash discounts as well as debtors/creditors represent the content focus of this event with workshop character.
The DATEV Practice Day is also the basic foundation for the university sample cases (made possible in advance, if not already completed). As of the winter semester 2013/14, students can receive a certificate of attendance from us after successfully completing the DATEV Practice Day.
DATEV University Sample Case Study Law Firm Practice - Mandate: "Müller & Thurgau GmbH".
The university sample case simulates typical activities in a tax law firm - from financial accounting during the year to the preparation of the annual financial statements and subsequent balance sheet analysis (tax aspects are generally not to be focused on in detail).
Intensified by the block scheduling (3 days + preparation/post-processing), stringent steps and contents that build on each other promote a holistic understanding. Supported by software and in teams, students work on various accounting issues and learn to use the balance sheet analytical instruments for the assessment of the economic situation of a company in a differentiated way (incl. research/presentation work). The software environment DATEV pro is used and students become familiar with various program features such as asset accounting, open item accounting and the LEXinform information database.
If the requirements are met, in particular the examination modalities, this university sample case can be taken as an economics seminar (5 ECTS) (for concrete information, see the announcements in the context of the central seminar place allocation). Upon request, a certificate will also be issued after successful completion of the course.
University sample case DATEV final examination comfort in practice
The university sample case represents a practical simulation of the auditing processes - from the determination of the auditing obligation to the acceptance of the engagement and the processing of individual audit fields to the preparation of the audit report and the audit opinion. Within the scope of the audit fields, special accounting issues are also dealt with in particular in teamwork. The software DATEV Abschlussprüfung comfort is used for the systematic documentation of the entire audit process.
The university sample case is designed according to the principle of 1+2 days. The core university sample case comprises 2 days. In the run-up, however, the students prepare themselves for its expert processing by preparing, presenting and discussing topics in the field of auditing and accounting in a targeted manner (1 presentation day).
Provided that the requirements are met, in particular the examination modalities, this university sample case can be taken as an economic seminar (5 ECTS) (for concrete information, see announcements in the context of the central seminar place allocation). Upon request, a certificate will also be issued after successful completion.