Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management

Learning outcomes

After the successful completion of this course, the students will

  • be able to define, model, and solve major issues of procurement and inventory management in supply chains,
  • have learnt to formalize the coordination of opportunistic supply-chain partners by using concepts of game and contract theory,
  • be in a position to describe the ideal-typical architecture of modular information systems for supply chain management,
  • be trained to apply models and methods for strategic network design, master planning, and demand fulfillment in supply chain management, and
  • know how to combine game-theoretical and logistic concepts of supply-chain management to collaborative planning approaches.


Chapter 1:  Fundamentals
1.1 Elements of supply chain management
1.2 Modeling, analysis, and planning of supply chains

Chapter 2:  Supply management in supply chains
2.1 Procurement policy
2.2 Inventory management
2.3 Elementary single-level procurement models
2.4 Single-level procurement planning with supplier selection and quantity discounts
2.5 Multi-level procurement planning in supply chains

Chapter 3:  Contract design in supply chain management
3.1 Contract design and coordination in supply chains
3.2 The wholesale-price contract
3.3 Coordinating types of contracts

Chapter 4:  Advanced Planning Systems for supply chain planning
4.1 Architecture of Advanced Planning Systems
4.2 Strategic network design
4.3 Master planning
4.4 Demand fulfillment
4.5 Examples of commercial Advanced Planning Systems

Chapter 5:  Collaborative supply chain planning
5.1 Collaboration through Advanced Planning Systems
5.2 Collaborative planning models


  • Chopra S, Meindl P (2015) Supply Chain Management. Pearson Education, Harlow
  • Corsten H, Gössinger R (2007) Einführung in das Supply Chain Management. Oldenbourg, München
  • Günther H-O, Tempelmeier H (2020) Supply Chain Analytics. Books on Demand, Norderstedt
  • Stadtler H, Kilger C, Meyr H, Hrsg (2014) Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning. Springer, Berlin
  • Tempelmeier H (2008) Material-Logistik. Springer, Berlin
  • Tempelmeier H (2015) Bestandsmanagement in Supply Chains. Books on Demand, Norderstedt
  • Thonemann U (2015) Operations Management. Pearson Studium, München
  • Wannenwetsch H (2014) Integrierte Materialwirtschaft und Logistik. Springer Vieweg, Berlin

GAMS Models

The following table compiles models and sample data for different planning problems and solution methods that are dealt with during the course. The model and example files contain source code written in the algebraic modeling language GAMS, which can be executed using the GAMS system. The GAMS system includes a greater number of state-of-the-art solvers for several types of mathematical programs, providing optimal or locally optimal solutions.

By modifying the example files, new instances can easily be generated for scenario analyses or when preparing the final course exam. A free demo version of the current GAMS system can be downloaded and installed from the web pages of GAMS Development Corp. You need a demo license for the installation, which can be requested using the form provided on the download web page. By return you will receive an email with the license, which must be added to the system during the installation process following the description in the email. The GAMS models can be edited and solved using a simple text editor called GAMS IDE or the with development environment GAMS Studio. In both environments, the comprehensive documentation of the entire GAMS system is available under the "Help" tab.

Planning problemGAMS modelExample
Newsvendor problemnewsvendor_model.gmsnewsvendor_data.gms
Optimal (s,q) inventory policys-q_model.gmss-q_data.gms
Sequential computation of (s,q) inventory policys-q-seq_model.gmss-q_data.gms
Iterative computation of (s,q) inventory policys-q-iter_model.gmss-q_data.gms
Optimal (Δ,S) inventory policyDelta-S_model.gms Delta-S_data.gms
Sequential computation of (Δ,S) inventory policyDelta-S-seq_model.gmsDelta-S_data.gms
Optimal (δ,s,S) inventory policydelta-s-S_model.gmsdelta-s-S_data.gms
Sequential computation of (δ,s,S) inventory policydelta-s-S-seq_model.gms delta-s-S_data.gms
EOQ model with all units discountseoq-aud_model.gmseoq-qd_data.gms
EOQ model with incremental discountseoq-id_model.gmseoq-qd_data.gms
Capacitated lotsizing model with all units discounts clsp-aud_model.gmsclsp-qd_data.gms
Capacitated lotsizing model with incremental discountsclsp-id_model.gmsclsp-qd_data.gms
procurement planning under uncertain availabilitymdp_proc_planning_stoch_avail_model.gmsmdp_proc_planning_stoch_avail_data.gms
procurement planning under uncertain yieldmdp_proc_planning_stoch_yield_model.gmsmdp_proc_planning_stoch_yield_data.gms
Strategic network designsnd_model.gmssnd_data.gms*
Optimization of transfer pricestpo_model.gmstpo_data.gms
Supply network planningsnp_model.gmssnp_data.gms

* Solving the example instance requires a commercial GAMS license