Prof. Dr. Winfried Steiner
Department of Marketing
Julius-Albert-Strasse 2
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Room: 102
Phone: +49 (5323) 72 - 7650
Fax: +49 (5323) 72 - 7659
Office hours: Video consultation by appointment (thursday, 10:30 am)
Beate Knoll
Phone: +49 (5323) 72 - 7655
Publications and lectures
Steiner, W.
Optimale Neuproduktplanung - Entscheidungsmodelle und wettbewerbsorientierte Ansätze, Dissertation,
DUV, Gabler, Vieweg, Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1999. (Download) -
Goeken, N., Kurz, P., Steiner, W.
Multimodal Preference Heterogeneity in Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis: A Simulation Study
Journal of Business Economics, forthcoming.Kinzinger, A., Steiner, W., Tatzgern, M., Vallaster, C.
Comparing low sensory enabling (LSE) and high sensory enabling (HSE) virtual product presentation modes in e-commerce.
Information Systems Journal, 32(5), 2022, 1034-1063. (Download)Aschersleben, P., Steiner, W.
A semiparametric approach to estimating reference price effects in sales response models.
Journal of Business Economics, 92(4), 2022, 591-643. (Download)Hein, M., Goeken, N., Kurz, P., Steiner, W.
Using Hierarchical Bayes draws for improving shares of choice predictions in conjoint simulations: A study based on conjoint choice data.
European Journal of Operational Research, 297(2), 2022, 630-651. (Download)Weber, A., Steiner, W.
Modeling Price Response From Retail Sales: An Empirical Comparison of Models with Different Representations of Heterogeneity.
European Journal of Operational Research, 294(3), 2021, 843-859. (Download)Goeken, N., Kurz, P., Steiner, W.
Hierarchical Bayes Conjoint Choice Models - Model Framework, Bayesian Inference, Model Selection, and Interpretation of Estimation Results.
Marketing ZFP, 43(3), 2021, 49-66. (Download)Hein, M., Kurz, P., Steiner, W.
Analyzing the Capabilities of the HB Logit Model for Choice‑based Conjoint Analysis: A Simulation Study.
Journal of Business Economics, 90, 2020, 1-36. (Download)Paetz, F., Hein, M., Kurz, P., Steiner, W.
Latent Class Conjoint Choice Models: A Guide for Model Selection, Estimation, Validation, and Interpretation of Results.
Marketing ZFP - Journal of Research and Management, 41(4), 2019, 3-20. (Download)Hein, M., Kurz, P., Steiner, W.
On the Effect of HB Covariance Matrix Prior Settings: A Simulation Study.
Journal of Choice Modelling, 31, 2019, 51-72. (Download)Guhl, D., Baumgartner, B., Kneib, T., Steiner, W.
Estimating Time-Varying Parameters in Brand Choice Models: A Semiparametric Approach
International Journal of Research in Marketing, 35(3), 2018, 394-414. (Download)Baumgartner, B., Guhl, D., Kneib, T., Steiner, W.
Flexible Estimation of Time-Varying Effects for Frequently Purchased Retail Goods: A Modeling Approach Based on Household Panel Data
OR Spectrum, 40(4), 2018, 837-873. (Download)Paetz, F., Steiner, W.
Utility Independence versus IIA Property in Independent Probit Models
Journal of Choice Modelling, 26, 2018, 41-47. (Download)Weber, A., Steiner, W., Lang, S.
A Comparison of Semiparametric and Heterogeneous Store Sales Models for Optimal Category Pricing.
OR Spectrum, 39(2), 2017, 403-445. (Download)Paetz, F., Steiner, W.
The Benefits of Incorporating Utility Dependencies in Finite Mixture Probit Models
OR Spectrum, 39(3), 2017, 793-819. (Download)Lang, S., Steiner, W., Weber, A., Wechselberger, P.
Accommodating Heterogeneity and Nonlinearity in Price Effects for Predicting Brand Sales and Profits.
European Journal of Operational Research, 246(1), 2015, 232-241. (Download)Paetz, F., Steiner, W.
Die Berücksichtigung von Abhängigkeiten zwischen Alternativen in Finite Mixture Conjoint Choice Modellen: Eine Simulationsstudie.
Marketing ZFP, 37(2), 2015, 90-100. (Download)Steiner, W., Siems, F., Weber, A., Guhl, D.
How Customer Satisfaction with respect to Price and Quality Affects Customer Retention: An Integrated Approach Considering Nonlinear Effects.
Journal of Business Economics, 84(6), 2014, 879-912. (Download)Haupt, H., Kagerer, K., Steiner, W.
Smooth Quantile-Based Modeling of Brand Sales, Price and Promotional Effects from Retail Scanner Panels.
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 29(6), 2014, 1007-1028. (Download)Weber, A., Steiner, W.
Zur Berücksichtigung von Heterogenität versus funktionaler Flexibilität in Absatzreaktionsmodellen: Eine empirische Studie auf Basis von Handelsdaten.
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB), 82(12), 2012, 1337-1365. (Download)Steiner, W.
A Stackelberg-Nash Model for New Product Design.
OR Spectrum, 32(1), 2010, 21-48. (Download)Rudolph, T., Bauer, J., Steiner, W.
Preis-Promotion-Framing - Ein Überblick zum Stand der Forschung.
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB), 80(3), 2010, 285-327. (Download)Wechselberger, P., Lang, S., Steiner, W.
Additive Models with Random Scaling Factors: Applications to Modeling Price Response Functions.
In: Austrian Journal of Statistics, 37(3+4), 2008, 255-270. (Download)Brezger, A., Steiner, W.
Monotonic Regression Based on Bayesian P-Splines: An Application to Estimating Price Response Functions from Store-Level Scanner Data.
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 26(1), 2008, 90-104. (Download)Baumgartner, B., Steiner, W.
Are Consumers Heterogeneous in their Preferences for Odd and Even Prices? New Empirical Findings from a Choice-Based Conjoint Study.
International Journal of Research in Marketing, 24(4), 2007, 312-323. (Download)Steiner, W., Brezger, A., Belitz, C.
Flexible Estimation of Price Response Functions Using Retail Scanner Data.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 14(6), 2007, 383-393. (Download)Kneib, T., Baumgartner, B., Steiner, W.
Semiparametric Multinomial Logit Models for Analysing Consumer Choice Behaviour.
AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 91(3), 2007, 225-244. (Download)Steiner, W., Baumgartner, B.
Conjoint-Analyse und Marktsegmentierung.
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB), 74(6), 2004, 1-25.Lang, S., Adebayo, S., Fahrmeir, L., Steiner, W.
Bayesian Geoadditive Seemingly Unrelated Regression.
Computational Statistics, 18(2), 2003, 263-292. (Download)Steiner, W., Hruschka, H.
Genetic Algorithms for Product Design: How Well Do They Really Work?
International Journal of Market Research, 45(2), 2003, 229-240. (Download)Steiner, W., Hruschka, H.
A Probabilistic One-Step Approach to the Optimal Product Line Design Problem Using Conjoint and Cost Data.
Review of Marketing Science Working Papers, 1(4), Art. 4, 2002. (Download)Steiner, W., Hruschka, H.
Produktliniengestaltung mit Genetischen Algorithmen.
Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (ZfbF), 54(7), 2002, 575-601. (Download)Steiner, W., Hruschka, H.
Conjointanalyse-basierte Produkt(linien)gestaltung unter Berücksichtigung von Konkurrenzreaktionen.
OR Spektrum, 22(1), 2000, 71-95. (Download) -
Paetz, F., Steiner, W. Eine quantitative Analyse zur Berücksichtigung von Abhängigkeiten in Conjoint Choice Modellen. In: H. Schenk-Mathes, C. Köster (eds.) Entscheidungstheorie und -praxis: Tagungsband des Workshops der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe "Entscheidungstheorie und -praxis" on March 27 and 28, 2014, in Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 163-164, 2015. Paetz, F., Steiner, W. A Finite Mixture Multinomial Probit Model for Choice Based Conjoint Analysis: A Simulation Study. Proceedings of the 43th EMAC Conference, University of Valencia, Spain, 2014 (peer-reviewed) Steiner, W., Weber, A. Assessing the Predictive Performance of Store Sales Models with Different Representations of Heterogeneity. Proceedings of the 40th EMAC Conference, Faculty of Economics, Ljubliana, 2011. Baumgartner, B., Steiner, W. Hierarchisch bayesianische Methoden in der Conjointanalyse. In: Baier, D., Brusch, M. (eds.): Conjointanalyse, 2009, 147-162.(Download) Steiner, W., Weber, A. Ökonometrische Modellbildung. In: Baumgarth, C., Eisend, M., Evanschitzky, H. (eds.): Empirische Mastertechniken: Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung für die Marketing- und Managementforschung, 2009, 389-429.(Download) Steiner, W., Baumgartner, B. Spieltheoretische Ansätze in der Conjointanalyse. In: Baier, D., Brusch, M. (eds.): Conjointanalyse, 2009, 183-196.(Download) Steiner, W., Brezger, A. A Bayesian Semiparametric Model with Monotonic Price Effects to Forecast Brand Sales. Proceedings of the 37th EMAC Conference, University of Brighton, 2008 (peer-reviewed). Baumgartner, B., Steiner, W. Heterogeneity in Preferences for Odd Prices. In: R. Decker, H.-J. Lenz (eds.), Advances in Data Analysis, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, 2007, 393-400 (peer-reviewed).(Download) Steiner, W., Brezger, A. Flexible Estimation of Price Response Functions Using Retailer Scanner Data. Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science, Budapest, Conference Proceedings, 2006. Brezger, A., Steiner, W. Monotonic Spline Regression to Estimate Promotional Price Effects: A Comparison to Benchmark Parametric Models. In: Haasis, H.-D., Kopfer, H., Schönberger, J. (eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 2005, 2006, 607-612, (peer-reviewed).(Download) Steiner, W., Belitz, C., Lang, S. Semiparametric Stepwise Regression to Estimate Sales Promotion Effects. In: Spiliopoulou, M., Kruse, R., Borgelt, C., Nürnberger, A., Gaul, W. (eds.), From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, 2006, 590-597 (peer-reviewed).(Download) Steiner, W., Hruschka, H. Heuristiken in der Produktpolitik. In: Holzmüller, H. H., Schuh, A. (eds.): Innovationen im sektoralen Marketing, 2005, 163-181.(Download) Steiner, W., Hruschka, H. Near Optimal Solutions for Product Line Design Using Genetic Algorithms. Proceedings of the 29th EMAC Conference, Erasmus University, Rotterdam 2000. Steiner, W., Hruschka, H. Equilibria for Single Product and Product Line Competition Based on Conjoint Models. Proceedings of the 28th EMAC Conference, Berlin, 1999 (peer-reviewed). -
Paetz, F., Geyer-Schulz, A., Steiner, W. Report on the First Working Group Meeting of the "AG Marketing" Archives of Data Science, Series A, 7(1), 2020, 1-13.(Download) Steiner, W., Weber, A.
Methoden zur Schätzung von Preis-Absatz-Funktionen.
WISU - Das Wirtschaftsstudium, Issue 1, 2010, 121-128. -
Kneib, T., Baumgartner, B., Steiner, W. Estimating Time-Dependent Effects in Brand Choice Models: A Semiparametric Approach. Working Paper, TU Clausthal, 2009. Bau, F., Wagner, K., Steiner, W., Baumgartner, B. Students' Preferences for Entrepreneurship Education: A Latent Class Conjoint Study. Regensburger Diskussionsbeiträge zur Wirtschaftswissenschaft, No. 401, 2005. Brezger, A., Steiner, W. Monotonic Regression Based on Bayesian P-Splines: An Application to Estimating Price Response Functions from Store-Level Scanner Data. Discussion Paper 331, Sonderforschungsbereich 386, LMU Munich, 2004. Steiner, W., Baumgartner, B. Conjoint Analysis and Market Segmentation, Regensburger Diskussionsbeiträge zur Wirtschaftswissenschaft, No. 382, 2003. (Download). Steiner, W. A Comparison of Traditional, Nash and Stackelberg Strategies for New Product Design. Regensburger Diskussionsbeiträge zur Wirtschaftswissenschaft, No. 373, 2002. Steiner, W., Hruschka, H. A Probabilistic One-Step Approach to the Optimal Product Line Design Problem Using Conjoint and Cost Data. Regensburger Diskussionsbeiträge zur Wirtschaftswissenschaft, No. 360, 2001. -
Accommodating Nonlinearities and Dynamics in Store-Level Sales Response Models
27th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science Conference, Baveno, 07/2022A Flexible Heterogeneous Sales Response Model with Price Dynamics to Improving Profits for Consumer Goods
32th European Conference on Operational Research, Espoo, 07/2022Flexible Dynamic Sales Response Models to Improve Retail Sales Forecasts
31th European Conference on Operational Research, Athen/online, 07/2021Analyzing the Capabilities of the HB Logit Model for Choice-based Conjoint Analysis, ASMDA International Conference, Florence, 06/2019 Estimation of Time-Varying Effects from Panel Data: Spline-Based Evolutionary Model Building, German-Polish Symposium on Data Analysis and its Applications, Bayreuth, 03/2019 Flexible Estimation of Time-Varying Effects in Brand Choice Models: A Semiparametric Approach 25th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, Madeira, 07/2018 Flexible Estimation of Time-Varying Effects for Frequently Purchased Retail Goods 29th European Conference on Operational Research, Valencia, 07/2018 Flexible Estimation of Alternative-Specific Time-Varying Parameters in Logit Models: An Application to Retail Panel Data, 3rd EURO Working Group Meeting on Retail Operations, Eindhoven, 05/2018 Flexible Estimation of Time-Varying Parameters in Brand Choice Models: An Exploratory Approach, Invited Talk at the Department of Statistics, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, 11/2017 Estimating Heterogeneous Time-Varying Parameters in Brand Choice Models, ASMDA International Conference, London, 06/2017 Estimating Time-Varying Parameters from Retail Panel Data: A Semiparametric Approach, 2nd EURO Working Group Meeting on Retail Operations, Porto, 05/2017 Maximizing Expected Category Profits of Retailers: The Roles of Nonlinearity and Heterogeneity in Price Effects, 28th European Conference an Operational Research (EURO), Poznan (Poland), 07/2016 A New Flexible Model Framework for Optimal Category Pricing of Retailers, 1st EURO Working Group Meeting on Retail Operations, Beilngries (Germany), 06/2016 A Comparison of Semiparametric and Parametric SUR Models for Category Pricing, DAGSTAT / GfKl 2016 Conference, Göttingen, 03/2016 Optimal Pricing Using Bayesian Semiparametric Price Response Models, CLADAG 2015 Meeting, Santa Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), 10/2015 Are there Limits for Parameter Settings in Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis? A Simulation Study, Invited Talk at the Department of Statistics, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, 05/2015 Accommodating Heterogeneity and Nonlinearity in Price Effects for Predicting Brand Sales and Profits, 38th Annual Conference of the GfKl, Bremen, 07/2014 Price Response Modeling Based on Store-Level Data: A Look on Heterogeneity and Functional Flexibility. Invited Semi-Plenary Talk, European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA), Luxemburg, 07/2013 Exploring Nonlinear Effects in the Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention, 36. Annual Conference of the GfKl, Hildesheim, 08/2012 A Hierarchical Bayesian Semiparametric Model to Predict Store-Level Brand Sales, ASMDA Conference, Faculty of Economics, Rome, 06/2011 Assessing the Predictive Performance of Store Sales Models with Different Representations of Heterogeneity, 40th EMAC Conference, Faculty of Economics, Ljubliana, 05/2011 Functional Flexibility or Heterogeneity? An Empirical Study on the Predictive Performance of Price Response Functions, Marketing Science Conference, Cologne, 06/2010 Modeling Time-Dependent Effects in Consumer Choice Behavior, 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, 07/2009 Estimating Price Response Functions Using Additive Models with Random Scaling Factors, ifcs gfkl 2009 Conference, 33rd Annual Conference of the GfKl, Technical University Dresden, 03/2009 Time-Varying Parameters in Brand Choice Models, 32nd Annual Conference of the GfKl, Hamburg, 07/2008 Flexible Schätzung von Preis-Absatz-Funktionen, Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Operations Research, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, 01/2008 Estimating Conditional Sales Distributions Based on Store-Level Scanner Data, 31st Annual Conference of the GfKl, Freiburg, 03/2007 Optimal Price Bundling When Consumers' Reservation Prices Are Non-Normally Distributed, 31st Annual Conference of the GfKl, with B. Baumgartner, Freiburg, 03/2007 A Bayesian Semiparametric Model to Analyze Pricing Effects, Gastvortrag am Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Ökonometrisches Seminar, University of Regensburg, 07/2006 Flexible Estimation of Price Response Functions Using Retailer Scanner Data, 13th International Conference on Retailing and Services Science (EIRASS), Budapest, 07/2006 Heterogeneity in Preferences for Odd Prices, 30th Annual Conference of the GfKl, with B. Baumgartner, Berlin, 03/2006 Monotonic Spline Regression to Estimate Promotional Price Effects, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Operations Research (GOR), Bremen, 09/2005 Semiparametric Stepwise Regression to Estimate Sales Promotion Effects, 29th Annual Conference of the GfKl, Magdeburg, 03/2005 Optimale Produktgestaltung - Zum Einsatz von Heuristiken und spieltheoretisch erweiterten Modellansätzen, Gastvortrag am Institut ETU - Marketing, Marktforschung & Unternehmensplanung, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gaul, University of Karlsruhe (TH), 01/2005 Messung von Verkaufsförderungseffekten mit Scannerdaten, Gastvortrag am Institut für Statistik, LMU München, Sonderforschungsbereich 386, Munich, 12/2002 A Comparison of Naive, Nash and Stackelberg Strategies for New Product Design, Marketing Science Conference, Wiesbaden, 07/2001 A Comparison of Naive, Nash and Stackelberg Strategies for New Product Design, 25th Annual Conference of the GfKl, Munich, 03/2001 Near Optimal Solutions for Product Line Design Using Genetic Algorithms, 29th EMAC Conference, Rotterdam, 05/2000 Genetic Algorithms for Product Line Design, 24th Annual Conference of the GfKl, Passau, 03/2000 Produktwettbewerb in diskreten Strategieräumen, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Operations Research (GOR), Magdeburg, 09/1999 Equilibria for Single Product and Product Line Competition Based on Conjoint Models, 28th EMAC Conference, Berlin, 05/1999 Single Product and Product Line Competition in Discrete Attribute Spaces, 23rd Annual Conference of the GfKl, Bielefeld, 1999 Conjoint-Based Product (Line) Design Considering Competitive Reactions, Workshop Operations Research in Marketing, Vienna, 11/1998
- Since 2006: Prof. Dr. Stefan Lang, Institute of Statistics, University of Innsbruck
- Since 2006: Prof. Dr. Thomas Kneib, Professor of Statistics, Georg August University Göttingen
- Since 2007: Prof. Dr. Harald Haupt, Chair of Statistics and Data Analytics, University of Passau
- Since 2011: Peter Kurz, Managing Partner Innovation & Methods at bms marketing research & strategy in Munich (from 2001 to 2018 Head of Research and Development at Kantar TNS Munich)
Sales promotion and pricing policy
- Econometric estimation of inverse demand functions
- Modelling of price threshold effects
- Price optimization in retailing
- Framing of price promotions
New product design
- Optimization of product decisions
- Product line design
- Consideration of competitor reactions
Consumer behaviour
- Measurement of customer preferences
- Market segmentation
- Analysis of brand choice behavior
Quantitative methods
- Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis (Logit, Probit)
- Nonparametric regression
- Mixture models
- Hierarchical Bayes models
- Equilibrium concepts in game theory (Nash, Stackelberg)
- Genetic algorithms
European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) OR Spectrum Research Policy Journal of Business Economics / Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB) Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research / Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (ZfbF) BuR - Business Research Review of Managerial Science Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Marketing ZFP Marketing - Journal of Research and Management Management Review Quarterly DBW (Die Betriebswirtschaft) Journal of Management Control / Zeitschrift für Planung & Unternehmenssteuerung Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence ASTA - Advances in Statistical Analysis DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) EMAC Conference (European Marketing Academy) -
Research Monitoring 2019
Prof. Steiner among the business economists with the most research achievements
In the current Business Administration Ranking 2019, conducted by the Business Cycle Research Centre of ETH Zurich in cooperation with the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, Prof. Steiner was listed 479th (out of a total of 2983 people) in the evaluation of recent research achievements since 2014. This places him in the approximately top 15 percent of the most research-intensive business economists of the German-speaking area (German, Austrian and Swiss universities). The BWL ranking for individual researchers is based on the VHB-JOURQUAL ranking established in the field of business administration in the current version 3.0 and evaluates publications of scientists in peer-reviewed economic journals. However, some top journals in which Prof. Steiner has published (e.g. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Impact Factor: 2.115; Journal of Applied Econometrics, Impact Factor: 2.336) are not included in the VHB-JOURQUAL 3.0 ranking. In the Lifetime Ranking, which takes into account all publications of a researcher, Prof. Steiner also ranks among the approximately 15 percent of the most research-intensive business economists.
Handelsblatt-Ranking 2009
Prof. Steiner among the Top 200 Economists of the Handelsblatt-Ranking!
Based on the evaluation of research activities from 2005 to 2009 for the Handelsblatt-Ranking of 2009, Prof. Steiner was ranked among the top 200 economists of the German-speaking area (German, Austrian and Swiss universities). With a total of 2100 researching economists, Prof. Steiner is thus among the top 10 percent of the economists with the most intensive research.
The Handelsblatt-Ranking considers publications of each scientist in peer-reviewed economical journals, also considering the quality of the journals and weighting them accordingly. More than 700 journals from the basis of the ranking, whereby the quality of the journals was evaluated by independent judges by selected criteria.
November 1987 - May 1993 Study of Business Administration at the University of Augsburg majoring in corporate research, finance and bank economics as well as mathematical methods of economic and social sciences June 1993 - July 1998 Scientific Assistant at the Department of Business Administration and Marketing, University of Regensburg (Prof. Dr. Harald Hruschka) July 1998 Doctorate at the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Regensburg (Dr. rer. pol.; summa cum laude)
Dissertation topic: Optimal product planning -
Decision models and competitive approachesAugust 1998 - March 2004 Scientific Assistant at the Chair of Business Administration and Marketing at the University of Regensburg (Prof. Dr. Harald Hruschka) April 2004 - September 2004 Interim Professor at the Chair of Marketing at the University of Regensburg November 2004 Habilitation at the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Regensburg and teaching qualification in the field of business administration December 2004 Appointment as Private Lecturer December 2004 - September 2006 Senior Scientific Assistant at the Chair of Business Administration and Marketing at the University of Regensburg Since October 2006 Interim Professor for Management and Marketing at the Institute of Management and Economics at Clausthal University of Technology Since October 2007 Professor for Management and Marketing at the Institute of Management and Economics at Clausthal University of Technology Other Apprenticeship as banker
Lecturer with the Landesverband des Bayerischen Einzelhandels (regional association of retailers in Bavaria; LBE) (1993 to 1997)
Member of the examination board for the professional examination for marketing businessmen and women at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Regensburg (IHK Regensburg) (1994 to 1998)
