Dr. rer. pol. Julien Geissmar
For publications see current publications under Google Scholar, ORCiD, or ResearchGate.
Since 07/2017 | Research associate, Clausthal University of Technology |
10/2019 - 08/2024 | Doctoral study programme in business administration, Clausthal University of Technology |
10/2016 - 09/2019 | Master of science in business engineering, Clausthal University of Technology |
Dr. rer. pol. Julien Geissmar
Department of Business Administration and Management of Digital Transformation
Julius-Albert-Straße 2
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Room: 208
Phone: +49 (5323) 72 - 7672
Office hours: Please arrange an appointment via e-mail.
Scan for electronic business card